Optimize search results

Search engine optimization

In search engine optimization or SEO (Search Engine Optimization), we optimize the organic or "natural" results of Google or Microsoft Bing.


Search engine optimization

SEO, short for Search Engine Optimization, is the process of refining a Web site to help search engines better understand it and improve its position on search engine organic results pages.

search engine optimization studio 84

A strategy that works

A large majority of consumers rely on search results for their purchasing decisions. Optimizing a Web site so that search engines (and more importantly, users) can reach and understand it is a strategy that works and will always work in your online marketing story.

Selection of search terms

Internet users show interest in your services or products through searches. By selecting converting keywords unique to your site, we can guarantee a stream of conversions.

Along with Google Ads and Google My Business, we can, still, occupy parts of the first page.

Schedule markup

A website consists of different content types: blogs, realizations, news, recipes,... By adding specific codes we help Google understand the content which allows additional information to be displayed in search results.

google my business seo
Local search terms

Google my business (or Google My Business) brings customers to your address by displaying practical business information for specific, locally targeted search terms.

Customers can easily Call, consult opening hours or start directions without having to go to your website to do so.

Social affirmation

A variety of positive customer reviews adds credibility to your business and helps your business stand out from the competition.

Google Ads

Prefer to be at the top of the results immediately?

Immediately appear at the top of Google search results through paid text ads or promote your business in the Google network.

Benefits of SEO

Unique approach

SEO optimization techniques

Studio 84 uses both off-site and web design SEO techniques that combine to boost your website's organic search results:

Search engines
search engine optimization techniques studio 84

Web Statistics

knowledge is power

Where do our visitors come from, how do they navigate and more importantly, do they ultimately perform a desired action? Vital information to assess and adjust your search engine optimization efforts.

Clicking on email
Clicking on phone
Click on address
€ 0
Search engines 40%
Social media 35%

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Let's get started

Increase organic search engine rankings with our optimization techniques.

30 min

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